Online Giving


We appreciate your donations in support of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Lexington, Kentucky.

The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington currently is collecting funds on our behalf.


To give to St. Andrew's, in the Fund box please select "St. Andrew's, Lexington" (the list is in alphabetical order; scroll about 2/3 down). Thank you very much!

An important message from Bernadette: 
Dear St. Andrew’s Family and Friends, 
In 2025, St Andrew’s Episcopal Church will celebrate its 145th anniversary.  Yes, can you believe it?  We started as a mission, and finally we were voted in as a parish at the 107th Convention for the Diocese of Lexington (KY) in 2003.  Those 145 years included days of slavery, days of Jim Crow, and the days of civil rights activism.
 Now, in the year 2024, St. Andrew’s congregation is worried about our survival.  We have dreams that St. Andrew’s will continue as a vital church far into the future.  The vestry is working hard on coming up with ideas to make sure that happens, but we need help.
So, The Vestry is calling out to all. We call out first to our adults who were raised in St Andrew's but have moved away. We are calling out to those who once attended St. Andrew's, but didn't feel it was a match for them. Lastly, we are calling out to anyone who has some special association with St. Andrew's.  Our calls are for financial donations, "in kind" donations, or "out of the box" ideas to help St. Andrews remain a parish in the Diocese of Lexington.  
You may think to yourself “What do they need?”  Well, here is a partial list.
      •     We need financial assistance to keep the lights on and the water and heat running,
      •     We need help with repairing a roof that is leaking inside the sanctuary.
      •     We need help with water entering the downstairs when the ground is saturated.
      •     We need help because the pandemic ravished our congregation.  Now we have very few trying to do a lot.
I know many of you may be also feeling a pinch because you have opened your pocket to help other organizations.  Remember our church is just like our homes.  If something breaks, we must get it repaired, or we lose value in that home.  A small monthly donation will help us more than a onetime large donation.
I am asking you to keep us in your hearts by remembering the times you joined us in prayer and in our coffee hour.  Remember that St. Andrew’s has been and is the most diverse congregation in our diocese.  Remember this historical site will be lost if we can’t keep our doors open.
I would like to end 2024 and bring us into 2025 with a prayer from the “Book of Common Prayer”.
      Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to Him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever. Amen.
Happy New Year to all of you!